Publications & Reports



LEAP Newsletter, Issue 7, October 2021

LEAP Newsletter, Issue 6, November 2018

LEAP Newsletter, Issue 5, October 2016


National guidelines for visceral leishmaniasis:

  • Kenya Ministry of Health guidelines (2017): PDF
  • Ethiopia Ministry of Health guidelines (2013): PDF

WHO Technical Report Series on Leishmaniasis, March 2010

EDCTP publication on the AfriKADIA project.
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Scientific Articles

Paromomycin and miltefosine combination as an alternative to treat patients with visceral leishmaniasis in Eastern Africa: A randomized, controlled, multicountry trial by Musa AM, Mbui J, Mohammed R, Olobo J, Ritmeijer K, Alcoba G, Ouattara GM, Egondi T, Nakanwagi P, Omollo T, Wasunna M, Verrest L, Dorlo TPC, Younis BM, Nour A, Elmukashfi ETA, Haroun AIO, Khalil EAG, Njenga S, Fikre H, Mekonnen T, Mersha D, Sisay K, Sagaki P, Alvar J, Solomos A, Alves F. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2022. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac643
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Leishmaniasis immunopathology—impact on design and use of vaccines, diagnostics and drugs by Kaye PM, Cruz I, Picado A, Van Bocxlaer K and Croft SL. Semin Immunopathol 2020, doi: 10.1007/s00281-020-00788-y
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Highly sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of paromomycin in human plasma by Roseboom IC, Thijssen B, Rosinga H, Mbui J, Beijnena JH, Dorlo TPC.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
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Urine-based antigen detection assay for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis using monoclonal antibodies specific for six protein biomarkers of Leishmania infantum / Leishmania donovani by Abeijon C, Alves F, Monnerat S, Mbui J, Viana AC, Almeida RM, Bueno LL, Fujiwara R, and Campos-Neto A . PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2020,
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Barriers to access to visceral leishmaniasis diagnosis and care among seasonal mobile workers in Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: A qualitative study by Coulborn RM, Gebrehiwot TG, Schneider M, Gerstl S, Adera C, Herrero M, Porten K, den Boer M, Ritmeijer K, Alvar J, Hassen A, Mulugeta A. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2018, doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006778
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Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of an allometric miltefosine regimen for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in Eastern African children: an open-label, phase-II clinical trial by Mbui J, Olobo J, Omollo R, Solomos A, Kip AE, Kirigi G, Sagaki P, Kimutai R, Were L, Omollo T, Egondi TW, Wasunna M, Alvar J, Dorlo TPC, and Alves F. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2018, ciy747, doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy747.
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Recent development of visceral leishmaniasis treatments: successes, pitfalls, and perspectives by Alves F, Bilbe G, Blesson S, Goyal V, Monnerat S, Mowbray C, Muthoni Ouattara G, Pécoul B, Rijal S, Rode J, Solomos A, Strub-Wourgaft N, Wasunna M, Wells S, Zijlstra EE, Arana B, and Alvar J. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, August 2018
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Visceral leishmaniasis relapse hazard is linked to reduced miltefosine exposure in patients from Eastern Africa: A population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic study by Dorlo TPC, Kip AE, Younis BM, Ellis SJ, Alves F, Beijnen JH, Njenga S, Kirigi G, Hailu H, Olobo J, Musa AM, Balasegaram M, Wasunna M, Karlsson MO and Khalil EAG. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2017, doi:10.1093/jac/dkx283.
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Safety and effectiveness of sodium stibogluconate and paromomycin combination for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Africa: Results from a pharmacovigilance programme by Kimutai R, Musa AM, Njoroge S, Omollo R, Alves F, Hailu A, Khalil EAG, Diro E, Soipei P, Musa B, Salman K, Ritmeijer K, Chappuis F, Rashid J, Mohammed R, Jameneh A, Makonnen E, Olobo J, Okello L, Sagaki P, Strub N, Ellis S, Alvar J, Balasegaram M, Alirol E, Wasunna M, Clinical Drug Investigation 2017, doi:10.1007/s40261-016-0481-0.
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Efficacy and safety of AmBisome in combination with sodium stibogluconate or miltefosine and miltefosine monotherapy for African visceral leishmaniasis: Phase II randomized trial by Wasunna M, Njenga S, Balasegaram M, Alexander N, Omollo R, Edwards T, Dorlo TPC, Musa B, Sharaf Ali MH, Elamin MY, Kirigi G, Juma R, Anke E. Kip, Schoone GJ, Hailu A, Olobo J, Ellis S, Kimutai R, Wells S, Khalil EAG, Strub Wourgaft N, Alves F, Musa A. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016, doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004880.
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The Leishmaniasis East Africa Platform (LEAP): Strengthening clinical trial capacity in resource-limited countries to deliver new treatments for visceral leishmaniasis by Wasunna M, Musa, A, Hailu A, Khalil EAG, Olobo J, Juma R, Wells S, Alvar J, Balasegaram M. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016, 1–3 doi:10.1093/trstmh/trw031.
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Safety and efficacy of single dose versus multiple doses of AmBisome® for treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in Eastern Africa: A randomized trial by Khalil EAG, Weldegebreal T, Younis BM, Omollo R, Musa AM, Hailu W, Abuzaid A, Dorlo TPC, Hurissa Z, Yifru S, Haleke W, Smith PG, Ellis S, Balasegaram M, EL-Hassan AH, Schoone GJ, Wasunna M, Kimutai R, Edwards T, Hailu A. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014, 8(1): e2613. doi:10.1371.
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Validation of two rapid diagnostic tests for visceral leishmaniasis in Kenya by Mbui J, Wasunna M, Balasegaram M, Laussermayer A, Juma R, Njoroge Njenga S, Kirigi G, Riongoita M, de la Tour R, van Peteghem J, Omollo R, Chappuis F. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., September 2013.
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Miltefosine: a review of its pharmacology and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of leishmaniasis by Dorlo TPCBalasegaram M, Beijnen JH, and de Vries PJ. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, July 2012.
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Single-dose liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome®) for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in East Africa: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial by Edwards T, Omollo R, Khalil EAG, Yifru S, Musa B, Musa A, Wasunna M, Smith PG, Royce C, Ellis S, Balasegaram M, Hailu A. Trials 2011, doi:10.1186/1745-6215-12-66.
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Safety and Efficacy of miltefosine alone and in combination with sodium stibogluconate and liposomal amphotericin B for the treatment of primary visceral leishmaniasis in East Africa: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial by Omollo R, Alexander N, Edwards T, Khalil EAG, Younis BM, Abuzaid AA, Wasunna M, Njoroge N, Kinoti D, Kirigi G, PC Dorlo TPC, Ellis S, Balasegaram M and Musa AM. Trials 2011, doi:10.1186/1745-6215-12-166.
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Paromomycin for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in Sudan: A randomized, open-label, dose-finding study by Musa A, Younis B, Fadlalla A, Royce C, Balasegaram M, Wasunna M, Hailu A, Edwards T, Omollo R, Mudawi M, Kokwaro G, El-Hassan A, Khalil E. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, October 2010, 4(10):e855
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Geographical variation in the response of visceral leishmaniasis to Paromomycin in East Africa: A multicentre, open-label, randomized trial by Hailu A, Musa A, Wasunna M, Balasegaram M, Yifru S, Mengistu G, Hurissa Z, Hailu W, Weldegebreal T, Tesfaye S, Makonnen E, Khalil E, Ahmed O, Fadlalla A, El-Hassan A, Raheem M, Muellerm, Koummuki Y, Rashid J, Mbui J, Mucee G, Njoroge S, Manduku V, Musibi A, Mutuma G, Kirui F, Lodenyo H, Mutea D, Kirigi G, Edwards T, Smith P, Muthami L, Royce C, Ellis S, Alobo M, Omollo R, Kesusu J, Owiti R, Kinuthia J, for the Leishmaniasis East Africa Platform (LEAP) group. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, October 2010, 4(10):e709.
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